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Lethally Wide Mod Download
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Lethally Wide Mod v1.1.3

This is an Ultra-Wide mod, with customizable options to make the game look way better than how it is. In order for you to install this mod, you need to have BepInEx already installed on your PC. The configuration file has settings and features that you can customize. You know how annoying it can be when you are playing the game and all you can see in the middle is the back of your head? Yeah, I get that. A lot. Thank god for Lethally Wide Mod, it is the perfect solution for this kind of issue. You can Rescale the game to your monitor. Zoom in and out to get the best view.

Override the game FOV and suit it to your preferences. Cam offset Z terminal in the configuration file, changes the distance between you and the terminal. Sometimes it can be a real pain when you can not read the messages. Cam offset Z terminal can move the camera backward or in while you are at the terminal. The resolution can be changed. Through this, you can choose how pixelated your monitor should be. L
02 Feb, 2024
Latest version
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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

is Lethally Wide Mod _1.1.3 safe to install ?

Lethally Wide Mod is completely safe to install. But still, you can be in control by not allowing unnecessary access to the mod. And also Lethally Wide Mod is widely accepted as a safe and secure mod to install.

Why Lethally Wide Mod is not working?

Why is my firewall blocking Lethally Wide Mod and prevent from downloading?

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Download Lethally Wide Mod MOD for Lethal Company

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